R Tutorials for Beginners

dir.create会创建路径的最后一个元素,除非参数【recursive】=TRUE。路径分隔符尾部将被丢弃。在Windows环境下,路径指定中允许包含驱动器,除非路径是根 ...,Thefunctionsfile_create()anddir_create()ensurethatpathexists;ifitalreadyexistsitwillbeleftunchange...。參考影片的文章的如下:



dir.create 会创建路径的最后一个元素,除非参数【recursive】= TRUE。路径分隔符尾部将被丢弃。在Windows 环境下,路径指定中允许包含驱动器,除非路径是根 ...

Create files, directories, or links

The functions file_create() and dir_create() ensure that path exists; if it already exists it will be left unchanged.

dir_create: Create a directory recursively by default in xfun

First check if a directory exists. If it does, return TRUE , otherwise create it with dir.create (recursive = TRUE) by default.

Create Directory

dir.create is the base function to create a new directory. rmdir removes an empty directory. clean can be used ...

Create files, directories, or links

The functions file_create() and dir_create() ensure that path exists; if it already exists it will be left unchanged. That means that compared to file.create() ...

Folder management with r

What I've written below will check for the existence of a directory and move into it, or create the directory and then move into it. Is there a better way to ...

R command dir.create and file.path

Create a directory in the current working directory called “testdir2” and a subdirectory for it called “testdir3”, all in one command by using dir.create() and ...

Manipulation of Directories and File Permissions

One of the idiosyncrasies of Windows is that directory creation may report success but create a directory with a different name, for example dir.create ...


One of the idiosyncrasies of Windows is that directory creation may report success but create a directory with a different name, for example dir.create ...


dir.create会创建路径的最后一个元素,除非参数【recursive】=TRUE。路径分隔符尾部将被丢弃。在Windows环境下,路径指定中允许包含驱动器,除非路径是根 ...,Thefunctionsfile_create()anddir_create()ensurethatpathexists;ifitalreadyexistsitwillbeleftunchanged.,Firstcheckifadirectoryexists.Ifitdoes,returnTRUE,otherwisecreateitwithdir.create(recursive=TRUE)bydefault.,dir.createisthebasefunctiontocreateanewd...